
Designing Landscape

Saturna Island 2, Canada BC


Together with:

James White, Tony Simmonds & Ron Wilson & my partner Noele

South Lands, Vancouver, Canada BC

Together with Alexander Juvajac


McLeod Bovell Modern Houses

Keystone Projects

Fossil Landscape Contracting

+ Collaborative client

Amsterdam oases


Together with:

Collaborative client

Anticipating the landscape

Winner of the LILA Awards 2020 - Landezine-award.com.

Together with:

Studio BLAD

An enthusiastic & collaborative client

Kroeze Green Contractors


Architecture by Paul de Ruiter

View Royal, Victoria, Canada BC

Together with:

Splyce Design

Mdnr Built

Aspect Engineers

Yorkshire Landscaping 

& Collaborative client

A wilder rose garden


Together with Studio Mars

Architecture by Hans van Heeswijk

Diagonal connection


Together with De Brouwer Binnenwerk

Uplands, Victoria BC

Floating lines...

Together with:

BOS Architects

Van Dijk Gardens

& Collaborative client

Willow pillow

Together with:

De Brouwer Binnenwerk

Kroeze Green Contractors


Together with Studio BLAD

Trunk Cathedral

Together with:

BOS Architects

De Brouwer Binnenwerk

Meker Gardens


Selection of landscape architectural projects 


A small selection of work generated for
different projects and design research in collaboration with different parties.

Field emotion


Together with:

De Brouwer Binnenwerk

Kroeze Green Contractors

& Collaborative client



Together with:

Studio Prototype

Kroeze Green Contractors

Dune garden

Together with:

Spots Landscapers


& Collaborative client

Nederheem  .  A park garden.

Together with:

Aurelio Development

Menno Ongering

Kroeze Green Contractors

Polder caracteristics

Together with:


& Collaborative client

Territorial acknowledgement

We gratefully acknowledge that we live and work on the unsurrendered, sacred, ancestral lands and waters of the SENĆOŦEN-speaking W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations, particularly the SȾÁUTW̱ and W̱SÍḴEM, whose reserve lands on ṮEḴTEḴSEN (now also known as East Point, Saturna Island) is also within the extended territories of Hul̓q̓umín̓um̓- and hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓-speaking peoples.