
Architecture pavilions and fences by Studio Prototype    |

Beautiful the pavilion | metal works designed by Studio Prototype


 Andrew van Egmond


Architect paviljions and fence 

Studio Prototype


Green contractor:

Kroeze landscapers


Andrew van Egmond -  Landscape architecture -Park Garden
Andrew van Egmond -  Landscape architecture -Park Garden
Andrew van Egmond -  Landscape architecture -Garden pavilion
Andrew van Egmond -  Landscape architecture -Park Garden
Andrew van Egmond -  Landscape architecture -Park Garden

Surreal shaped hedges of native Taxus create a coherent narrative connecting the front garden and side garden together with the main pavilion, the room and the fence.

Andrew van Egmond -  Landscape architecture -Garden pavilion
Andrew van Egmond -  Landscape architecture -Garden pavilion
Andrew van Egmond -  Landscape architecture -Garden pavilion
Andrew van Egmond -  Landscape architecture